Don’t underestimate smalls act of kindness or giving someone a small gift. Just like a seed, once planted in the ground and watered it can become something huge and significantly contribute to an even healthier environment.
We all know plants need light, water and lets not forget bees “cross pollinators”. Humans also need light, water and bees. The truth is “even if you don’t believe it” we all need Gods Love “Light”, we need His Word “Water” and we need each other “bees”.
As we spread small acts of kindness sharing Gods Love and His Life changing Word we too cross pollinate. Sadly, some pollen “Word” will land on thorns, hard ground, some with little soil, but some will land on fertile ground. Mark 4v26. So, Let us not become weary in small acts of kindness, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up. Galations 6v9
The greatest act of kindness was the Cross 2000 years ago and relevant from generation to generation with the same resurrection power as it was on the day of pentecost. Jesus Christ laid down His own life on a cross, He was in a tomb 3 days and on the 3rd day He rose again. Jesus had now established the new covenant and 4o days later many watch as He ascended from this earth with Elijah and Moses.
Acts of kindness can have a huge impact on the lives in and around your life. Lets remember the power and significance of the Cross.
God Bless You